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Newbie Questions - stocking, epson salt and environment


New Member
Hello folks,

Happy to have found a place to learn more about these fish. I first started in the hobby 6 months ago, and now have two aquariums -- 29 gallon - heavily planted community tank and 8 gallon dwarf puffer mansion.

I've recently rehomed and rebuilt many of the fish in my 29 gallon in preparation for more challenging fish.


1. Stocking

My water parameters are
pH ~7.5
Temperature - 76F (lower to grow moss)
GH ~6

Due to EI dosing, I change a lot of my water every week, which keeps my water pretty pristine. Which dwarf Cichlids species can I keep given the temperature and pH? I would prefer not to manipulate my pH or use different water as everything is pretty stable with city water. Rebuilding again and layering peat is not something I want to do. I'm aware of the Caucatoide species, any other one's that would thrive?

2. Environment

I would prefer not put any pipes or flower pots in my aquarium. I'm going for the Natural aquascape look and those things would detract from it. The tank is heavily planted, about 75% substrate cover, with small branches of driftwood. Do I really need caves? :(

3. Epson Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)

The person who buys the fish at my LFS said that people generally have issues with apistos because they need Magnesium Sulfate in the water to help them digest their food since their natural environment has magnesium in it. Is this true?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
I forgot to mention that I currently have in the tank.

10 Harlequin Rasbora
6 Kuhlis
5 OTos
Ghost Shrimps + shrimplets


Active Member
5 Year Member
Brisbane, Australia
I have had success under fairly similar conditions with A. macmasteri, A. aggassizii, A. trifasciata, and A borellii. all seemed to be happy and kept on spawning.
they are cave spawners, so you will probably need something that provides enough shelter. mine usually dig their own under pieces of driftwood and larger leaves (I use sand as a substrate), but I also had good success with small flower pots.

you may run into trouble with the kuhlis once the apistos start to breed, as they will compete for the caves/shelters and you will probably loose a few of the shrimplets.

I haven't heard about the epsom salt before. many apistos come from an environment with very soft water low on minerals, so it seems a bit counter-intuitive, but I will leave that question to the experts.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
Your tank is fine for keeping the vast majority of dwarf cichlids. You water parameters are fine for breeding most of them. I would not worry about a cave. If a pair spawns the female will find a spot on the driftwood she can defend.

The need for magnesium sulfate is a new one. Since your GH is about 6 I think you probably have enough Mg+. Epsom salts are helpful with species that are prone to hole in the head or lateral line disease, but those conditions are associated with poor water quality, which is not a problem in your tank.


New Member
I have had success under fairly similar conditions with A. macmasteri, A. aggassizii, A. trifasciata, and A borellii. all seemed to be happy and kept on spawning.
they are cave spawners, so you will probably need something that provides enough shelter. mine usually dig their own under pieces of driftwood and larger leaves (I use sand as a substrate), but I also had good success with small flower pots.

you may run into trouble with the kuhlis once the apistos start to breed, as they will compete for the caves/shelters and you will probably loose a few of the shrimplets.

I haven't heard about the epsom salt before. many apistos come from an environment with very soft water low on minerals, so it seems a bit counter-intuitive, but I will leave that question to the experts.

Thank you all for your responses.

I think the A. trifasciata is the one I am most interested in, what did you feed yours? Did it take pellet food?


New Member
Canning Vale, Western Australia
If you were looking at trifasciata mine take pellet food but love there live bbs and microworms and black worms as well. If they do spawn for you the babies I have got at the moment are thriving on bbs and microworms. I am going to be getting some repashy superfood soon to try but I am sure Ted can comment on that one.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Brisbane, Australia
I use a good quality flake as staple together with some small pellets. I feed live bbs when there is fry around, otherwise only occasionally. about once a week I feed either frozen bloodworms or live blackworms, only a few per tank, though. I haven't had any fish refuse the flakes and pellets, but I have only kept fish from other breeders so far, no wild caught ones.


New Member
Last question!

Would 4, 1 male, 3 female be too many for a 29 gallon?

The seller only sells them in groups of 2 and I am not really interested in them breeding (or raising fry).

Would 4 of those and 6 kuhli loaches be too many for the bottom layer, considering the small footprint of the 29 gallon? Even though the trifasciata are relatively small.

Appreciate the help!


Active Member
5 Year Member
Brisbane, Australia
generally each female will claim about a square foot as territory - but they don't go: let's see, we are three females here, if I take the far left, you take the middle... :D
a female will claim a spot she likes anywhere in the tank with a hiding place at the center, and they can get quite feisty, especially when they have fry. so a 29 gallon may be a bit small.
but then, I have only kept them in pairs so don't have any direct experience keping them in a harem situation. I would definitely provide plenty of hiding spots. someone else may have more input from personal experience.


New Member
I ended up buying 2 Bolivian Rams today, a male and female (i think anyway). We spent about an hour trying to figure out which were male and female and still don't really know...

Spent awhile acclimating them then released them into my planted community! They are now both cuddled into a corner together in the dark, not sure if they are scared or have yet to stake out territory, but I hope I get lucky and

1. Got a male/female
2. They end up pairing

Any idea what happens when a male and female live in a tank together and not pair up? Thanks!


Active Member
5 Year Member
Shawnee, KS
I like to buy most cichlids in groups of six, and let them pair up themselves, then trade or give away the ones that do not. Bolivians, unless full grown, are difficult for me to sex without actually watching the spawning act. My males have extended tips on their dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. Females seem to have a rounder edge to the ends of their fins. When they begin to spawn, a pair will pick a spot (for mine, a smooth surface such as a rock) and chase away all other fish. Rarely have I seen them in the process of spawning, which would be the best way to sex them; the female's tube will be wider (wide for the eggs to come through), and the male's will be longer and skinnier. Both parents will participate in caring for the fry; however, my females do probably 75% of the work in terms of moving fry. My males will go and dig a pit in another spot while the female is watching over fry. They will both move fry to the new nest, one watching the original group, and one "running" fry between the two pits.

Hope that helps. Glad you are asking questions. Best of luck to you.

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