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My First Cacatuoides Eggs!!

Cichlid Junkie

5 Year Member
Warner Robins, Georgia
I noticed last night that one of my female's layed some eggs for the first time! I can only see 3 eggs, but I'm sure there are more that I cant see. I'm telling everyone like it was my first born child! I bought some Liquifry and frozen bbs from a LFS and am all ready to go. I do have a few questions though.

When will the eggs hatch?

When should I intoduce the liquifry?

How long should I keep them on that before switching it to the bbs?

Is there any advantage to feeding them decap bbs over frozen bbs?

Sorry there are so many questions, but I'm like a kid at Christmas!


New Member
london uk
about 3 days to hatch,
about 10 days before free swimming and need to be fed, well actually i dont fed until i see them out and about though i would have though yolk sace dosen't last that log
other with more experience may clarify that

carefully with liquifry it will pollute the water, try to minimise the amount used by concentrating it on or near the fry
live bbs has the advantage of moving and gaining young fry's attention

they are sometimes harder to get eating commercial foods

Cichlid Junkie

5 Year Member
Warner Robins, Georgia
Thanks for the reply. My plan is to put the liquifry and the bbs (when they are old enough), put them in a syringe and gently squirt it in their direction. I read on the bottle and noticed that it will cloud the water some so I will be real careful on how much I add. My other female doing the "love" dance now so I might wind up with some more eggs! This is such an addictive hobby!


New Member
5 Year Member
Rhode Island
i have never used liquifry for my cacs.(i sometimes feed my daphnia with it). as soon as they are free swimming and ready to be fed they will be able to take bbs or microworms as a first food. i start my cacs on a mixture of the 2 and have alot of success with it. i have heard that liqufry is a good food for the first few days. i find it is much easier to remove any uneaten food if you use bbs or micros. simply syphon it out with a length of airline. also it is very reassuring to know the fry are eating well when you see the plump orange bellies from the bbs. if you use the liquifry i would do small daily water changes just to be on the safe side. keep us posted on there progress and good luck.

Cichlid Junkie

5 Year Member
Warner Robins, Georgia
I must have miscaculated on when she laid the eggs because she has 5 tiny fry swimming with her!! Not bad for her first brood. I just fed them some bbs so I'll have to check their bellies to make sure their eating! I wish I could take some good pictures of them. What a way to end a long day!


New Member
5 Year Member
Awesome, yes please do take a few pics. Ive got the winning bid on a pair of cacautoides that i expect to have early nextweek. So my experience will be hopefully as enjoyable as yours, i can tell your excited :biggrin: .


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