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a. borelli opal timeline


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
my borelli opal's have spawned last night in 78 deg water and i added maroxy this morning. i want to re-apply the maroxy daily, but i want it to be out of there when the fry go free swimming. how long will the eggs take to go free swimming? is this the right thing to do?



Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA

Dear Rick,

Have you had a problem with fungusing eggs before? With clean water, you shouldn't need to medicate it.

From the time the eggs are laid, your fry should be free swimming in about seven days. If you decide to continue using the Maroxy, two-three days worth should do it. After that time, the eggs have hatched and are in the larval stage.

Good luck with the opals; very pretty fish.

Randall Kohn


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I agree with Randall. Unless you have indications that your pairs previous layings have fungused, you shouldn't need to do any treatment. If the parents do their job and your water conditions are correct (which is likely), the eggs should develop correctly and stay fungus-free via the "mouthing" and "fanning" efforts of the parents.
Good luck,
ps, might take a day or 2 longer to become free-swimming, so don't get too anxious after 7 days.


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
actually they spawned in tapwater (280 ms?) and i don't expect them to hatch. what i am trying to do is to rule out my tapwater for breeding apistos and get an r/o. if these eggs don't hatch with maroxy i'll have my answer.

thanks for the help guys.



Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
i went down this a.m. to see about 15 wrigglers, which the mother was trying to stick back on the pot- out of approx 40 eggs. so, i'm not doing too bad. last time it was 0 wrigglers, so i'm doing a lot better with the maroxy. now i did a big water change, down to 2.5 gals in a 10, and re-fill with r/o with a very sllow syphon. so the tank is 1 part tap to 3 parts r/o. i was a little worried about sex being all one or the other. how long before they will eat bbs? i got some hatching now, and others that hatched 3 days ago. i want to get the male and the other female laying as soon as possible. should i move these to another tank and leave the babies with the mother?

>>'Have you had a problem with fungusing eggs before? With clean water, you shouldn't need to medicate it.'

i got some discus wrigglers from my lfs and the all fungussed up in 2 days. tank was very clean. so yes, i believe using maroxy is pretty much essential. i haven't had much luck before, but i am using more r/o, and now using maroxy. this last time the maroxy made the difference between 0% and 40% hatch rate, both spawns were a surprise and therefore in tapwater.



New Member
5 Year Member
Central Ohio

My borellii have been kept in tapwater most of their lives. They seem to be one of the few apistos that do fairly well in alkaline conditions. The last readings I took on their tank had a pH of 7.5 and a kh/gh of almost limestone 8O But they spawn regularly and every couple months I root through the Java moss for fry I missed. I don't let it get too much higher than what it curently is. I'll mix in a bit of RO every couple water changes to try and knock it back down. If they are spawning and hatching, you are doing everything right :D

Off to convince these S. tinanti they need to follow suit...



Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
>>'If they are spawning and hatching, you are doing everything right '

these fish haven't really done much since i got them. i bought 2 pairs when i got them. i had the 2 femlaes in a 5 gal spawning tank with the other larger male, and got 1 spawn, and the male died soon after. the spawn didn't get any wrigglers. i moved in the new male and treated with met. then i moved them to a 10 gal and let them settle for a week, doing regular water changes. one night i did a 50% water change with very warm water, bringing the temp of the tank up to 86 deg. i left the heater unplugged to cool it down a bit, but i forgot to plug it in till the next day. the temp was 68 deg. i plugged the heater in, and the next day, i fed them with bbs, their first live food i had given them since i got them. the next night they spawned. so, it was pretty much an accident. but i do believe the extremes in water temp coupled with the new live food got them in the mood. i keep them at 78 deg normally.

i had originally thought they were not a. borelli opals, but paraguensis. but i saw a pic on max's site of these fish and they are identical to them. so indeed, they are opals, and are a particularly nice apisto... not shy, and very active, interactive and pretty. the male is a pretty irridescent blue on his body with blue and red speckles on his face exactly as in the pic of max gallade's. the females are quite small, 1/3 to 1/2 the body weight of the male who is pretty small for an apisto.


just a little more info, rick

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