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Hello From Canada


New Member
Hello all,

I'm from Western Canada. I've been lurking around here for a little while, but I figured I should write one these.
I'm currently running a 26 gallon bowfront with a small shoal of rummynose tetra, 1 male GBR, Corydoras Sterbai, and a clown pleco. I'm hoping to add 2 or 3 Dicrossus filamentosus (either a pair or a small harem) to the tank when I finally can track some down (I just can't seem to find them locally, and my LFSs either don't, won't, or can't get them in). I've been working with a recent acquisition of an RO system to begin softening the rock hard water where I live. I've been doing partial water changes with RO and Tap, and the progress has been slow and steady.

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Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
Looking for some help with fighting electric blue rams :(
Partial updated Peruvian list have more than this. Please PM FOR ANY QUESTIONS so hard to post with all the ads poping up every 2 seconds….