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Free Guppy Presentation, San Diego, Feb 8th


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5 Year Member
Hi everyone,
Topic for this months meeting is "Fancy Guppies". Charles Pratt will be giving a presentation all about guppies, and there will be fancy guppies to buy in the auction and fancy guppies to win on the raffle table! Meeting is this Sunday, Feb 8th.
The San Diego Tropical Fish Society meets the second Sunday of every month, rain or shine, at 6:30 PM in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego. (Right next to the San Diego Zoo). Each meeting has a guest speaker or presentation on some thing fish related, a mini fish show (This month the show is going to be Betta Splendans, AKA Siamese Fighting Fish), a big raffle table full of fish prizes like an aquarium, supplies, aquatic plants, fish, invertabrates, food, live food cultures, more! Tickets are only 10c! We also have a mini fish auction with fish brought in and usually bred by members (anyone can bid on the fish and they go cheap too!). The club also sponsers 2 huge auctions a year, a yearly fish show and we have monthly field trips. Please come and check it out sometime, we would love to have you and it is free to attend! You can email me at [email protected] for more info, directions, etc., or call our fish info line at 619-281-FISH, or check out our website at www.sandiegotropicalfish.com
Hope to see some of you there soon!
Next meeting is this coming Sunday, Feb 8th, there will be a mini fish auction that starts at 6:30 PM and runs til 7:00 PM, so come early if you want to bid on fish, plants, and supplies, things go CHEAP!!! You do not have to be a member to bid and buy fish, or attend the meeting, so please come to the meeting!
Some of the fish that will be in this months auction will be: Plecostomus, Apistogrammas, Rare wild livebeareres (like halfbeaks, blue eyed gambusia) Koi angelfish, etc. See you this Sunday! Email me for a map to the meeting :)


5 Year Member
LOL!! Good fish clubs AND great weather :)

cannot disagree with that.
i was there once.....like 24 years ago.

enjoyed myself there !!!



New Member
5 Year Member
Hi everyone!
Well, alas, I wish I could tell you all about the meeting, but I had to leave right after it started, I got sick! (No, nothing to do with the meeting, LOL) So, I basically missed 90% of it. Was a very good turn out, Charly Pratt was giving a presentation on guppies when I left and had brought in some GORGEOUS guppies for everyone to drool over. I only made it through the auction, and I can tell you that the following fish and plants were on the auction table and some people got some awesome fish and deals:
Brown bushynose plecos
Albino bushynose plecos
Red Finned Halfbeaks
Blue Eyed livebearers
Koi angelfish
Blue Delta Show Guppies
Giant Danios
Bleeding Heart Tetras
albino corydoras (bags of 10 fish went for $5!!)
red wag platies
neon swordtails
rainbow fish
red ramshorn snails
Gold Inca Apple snails
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
gold gouramis
riccia flutians
even fish shower curtain rings, LOL!
I am sure I am forgetting stuff, sorry, but that is a good representation of what was there this time. Lots of bags of fish went for $1!!!
Hope to see some of you next month, it will be the second Sunday in March at 6:30, and I will of course post all the details here too.

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