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DISCUSBOOK01 - new publication on Discus, Angelfishes, Loricariids, Apistogrammas

Heiko Bleher

New Member
5 Year Member
Hi guys,

I wanted inform you all, that this new publication is not only for Discus, but also Apistogramma (several new ones) and all fish and plant lovers, Amazon and nature enthusiasts, as well as Angelfish lovers. It contains for the first time in any publication, internet or other media, all the 9 natural angelfish variants (species) in detail. There is a very large article on the real P. altum (demonstrating that it has never been bred before). There are new cichlids discoveries besides these Apsitogrammas, new characoids and so much more in it. All from the end of 2009 including 20 pages on new, never seen sucker catfishes, as well as rediscoveries of amazing loricariids in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela at the end of 2009. And also a complete article of how to set up 5 authentic biotope aquariums.

This is a world-wide first publication of its kind.

It is called Discusbook, but actually it is a 114 page thick hardcover magazine in A4 size, with photographs on nature and discoveries never seen or published anywhere previously.

It will come out yearly (to follow up with my Discus volume 1 and soon coming volume 2), and this is 01 issue.

A short demonstration to be seen, as well as what its contents are, under


Heiko Bleher


5 Year Member
Ill look out for it Heiko.. Congratualtions on the baby by the way!!!

Now for the $100 question..When is Discus Volume 2 being released?? I loved the first and recomend it to anyone interested in South American fish but im getting impatient for the second book!!

Cheers, Ste

Heiko Bleher

New Member
5 Year Member

it is definitely coming out this year. Now in Italy is vacation time, also my people are off and I ONLY working to finish volume 2 while I see my posts, and notices coming and and just answer fast, as this one.
You probably cannot believe the work I am putting into volume 2, I think even more then I have in volume 1. And I want it to be perfect. Also the layout is beautiful with Natasha's and Rossella's great help we creating a book the workd has never seen (and probably never will again...).

It is coming. Thank you for you nice comments. The yealy issue came out, all developed by natasha, completely different from anything else, to have an yearly Amazon- and Discuys update. Volume 2 is also announced in it.,

Best regards

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