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Chronic fin rot in large tank


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
OK... I am now pissed. I have a 110 gallon tank in which my westies keep getting fin rot in. I lost some nice aquarium strain Pel. taen. to it, and it permanently damaged some Pelmatochromis nigrofasciatus. I thought I had it licked, but I added some Benitochromis nigrofasciatus to the tank last week and now they have it. The only fish that appear immune are the plecos and two Hemichromis sp 'guinae 1'.

What do you suggest I treat the tank with, and where to get it online (because I am quite certain there is noone within 300 miles who carries fish meds)...


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Fin rot

Hello Ted,

So sorry, I didn't see your message until now, three weeks after you posted it.

In your situation, I'd use a broad spectrum antibiotic. Given the size of the tank, buying a powdered form in bulk is much less expensive than buying individual capsules or the equivalent.

You could give these folks a try http://fishyfarmacy.com. I've never ordered from them, but they offer a toll free number and online help. My LFR uses them as well.

Good luck!

Randall Kohn

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

If this is the only tank that has the problem, then all the treatments in the world won't help unless you get rid of the problem. Fin rot, after all, is just a secodary symptom of some other problem. I suspect some sort of toxin has entered the tank. Check it for items only this tank has - rocks, wood, sand, etc - even using the wrong silicone could be the cause. Is anything different in this tank - location, placement of equipment, etc.? Investigate. Until then probably the best thing to do is plenty of water changes.


New Member
london uk
apologies just like randall , how did we miss the post?

fin rot as mike has suggested is usually secondary to something else like poor water quality , you are experienced enough to have assesed and ensured that isn't likely cause here

fin rot can becaused by bacteria from the flexibacter group most commonly in ornamental fish

treatment and control is suggested by
reducing suspended particles in water and ensuring ammoia uder control also increasing dissolved oxygen
lower water temperature wil slow the problem
antibacterial agents will help trat the lesions(sulphonamides, tetracyclines)

personally if you want to treat the tank i would empty it strip and the rub(and you will find this locally) salt into the whole tank as a paste
leave to dry and then rinse copiously

though the causitive agents spread rapidly and easily so the fact only one tank is a prob would make me side with mike on his theory for the problem here, unless of course you have scrupiulous hygine/quarantine practices between tanks

good luck


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
MelaFix seems to work. Also removing the two Hemichromis sp. Guinea 1 helped. I believe that they were tearing fins which made the problem seem worse than it was.


New Member
5 Year Member
Fin roth and those kind of symptoms usually have a bacterial cause. If it's spreading relativly fast , i'm quite sure it's bacterial.

Melafix is a good treatment agains extern bacterial diseases. When it's intern, it's another matter.

Furthermore, I would look forward to increase your filtration and aeration. Make sure you dont have a protein filter on the tank's surface by having a good current breaking the water surface. bacterial diseases are 99% related to poor oxygenation in the tank...

Good luck

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