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What's your favorite book....



on dwarf cichlids?

Favorite dwarf cichlid information book?

Favorite dwarf cichlid picture book?


Z Man

New Member
5 Year Member
Western New York
Gary there are a few. I have all of them. American Cichlids I by Linke & Staeck; South American Dwarf Cichlids by Mayland & Bork. Both these books I have seen available in local fish stores. Then there is the new Mergus Cichlid Atlas by Dr. Uwe Romer. This is the best because it's the latest. Though it's a little pricey, it's worth it. You would have to order it from (http://www.finleyaquaticbooks.com) in the N.J. area or from Mike Schadle at ([email protected]) It's about $50 including shipping. Tell either guy that the Z-Man sent you. If you're serious about the last one, don't delay as I was told there were only 500 copies printed and I'm sure it won't last forever. There are a few older ones but many of the names are wrong or have been changed. The first few books list 35 to 40 species. The latest Romer has well over 100 Apistogramma species.


Thanks very much Z.

I've seen the first few books you mentioned on a few webs. Just wondering if they were worth buying. I'll give them a try.

In regards to the new book by Romer, is that on just dwarf cichilds or cichlids in general?


PS How's the work coming on the fish room?

Z Man

New Member
5 Year Member
Western New York
The 2 books you mention have between 187 & 230 pages. The new Romer book has 1300 and I can't count all the pictures. You will get what you pay for. I can bring all three to the next meeting for you to see.
The room is at a standstill at this point.

Z Man

New Member
5 Year Member
Western New York
Forgot to answer: The Romer book has info and photo's for- Apistogramma, Apistogrammoides, Biotoecus, Crenicara, Crenicichla, Dicrossus, Laetacara, Mazarunia, Microgeophagus, Nannacara, Taenicara & Teleocichla. The other 2 have just a few of these.


New Member
5 Year Member
Hello Mr. Z,
someone said me the Aqualog is a reference in fishes.Is correct?You know I am in Brazil and here we don t have good ciclids books.The Romer is better?more complete...
Até logo(brazilian good bye!)


Thanks for the offer Z about bringing the books to your next meeting. I'm not a member of your club I just went to your last meeting with Marty to hear the guys from Canada talk so I won't be at the next meeting. I thoroughly enjoyed myself at your club's meeting but I'm involved in to many other things right now to be active in another club. I'm going to try and order the Romer book.


Z Man

New Member
5 Year Member
Western New York
AquaLog is just a picture book but very good. They issue supplements every year so the book is always up to date. They stick very easily on blank pages provided. There is no detail about any of the fishes shown. Romer's new book is translated from German into English but is about 2 years old I believe, even though the English version is only a few month's old, it has not been ammended to add any new species found. There is tons more information in Romer's book.


New Member
5 Year Member
Thanks Mr.Z,
Here in Brazil is difficult to find both books.I will visit some apistos sites and find a way to buy Romer`s book.


New Member
5 Year Member
San Jose, CA
I got all three of them but if you want to buy only one Romer's Mergus Cichlid Atlas would be most complete. Forget about Aqaulogs if you are interested in more than pictures and basic water parameters.


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5 Year Member
Rommer Atlas.

Well,I understand the Rommer Atlas is the best!
There are many photos and many information.
I will try buy this book in the site Mr.Z wrote...http://www.finleyaquaticbooks.com

I saw this Atlas in Fishbookstore.com and the price was 50.00 dollars.Then I calculate the shipping...111.00 dollars.How I can buy a book paying 161.00 dollars.
I really want this Atlas but I have many trouble to buy.Here in Brazil don`t have this book.
I tryied direct Mr.David Soares but I think he don`t want sell Atlas to Brazil.Be honest I am sad because the problem I finding to buy a book...
BUT I AM A HOBBYIST and I will find a way to buy this book! YES!!!

someone have any idea?



New Member
5 Year Member
Knoxvegas, TN
I'll cast my vote for Romer's Atlas also. I think it's the most thorough and, as has already been pointed out, it is the latest. Being the latest doesn't guarantee quality or accuracy, but I think Romer's book succeeds on both fronts.


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5 Year Member
Scooter said:
I'll cast my vote for Romer's Atlas also. I think it's the most thorough and, as has already been pointed out, it is the latest. Being the latest doesn't guarantee quality or accuracy, but I think Romer's book succeeds on both fronts.

Sorry to dig up this old thread... Anyone with latest updates on the translation for vol 2?


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I'll cast my vote for Romer's Atlas also. I think it's the most thorough and, as has already been pointed out, it is the latest.

Römer's book isn't the latest, just in English. The information in it is now about 7 years old. The manuscript (in German form) was finished in 1997.

I have all of the major new dwarf cichlid books:

Staeck 2003
Koslowski 2002
Linke & Staeck 2001
Römer 1998/2000 (same book, different languages)
Yamazaki 1997
Mayland & Bork 1997
Aqualog 1996

Of these the one most useful to me is Koslowski's book because it has the most different species & forms (almost 200) & an excellent way to identify the different fish. It is only available in German, however, & many of the photos are dark. Hopefully it will be fixed sometime in the future.

I consider Uwe's book the best available for English readers, but it is now 7 years old & quite a few new species are missing (as with any book like this - it's out dated before it's published). I look forward to getting volume 2 (probably sometime later next year).

The Aqualog book is great for seeing the different forms, but it has entirely too many misidentified fish and not enough information. Each fish is number coded so even if the identification is wrong, one can use the code numbers. I like the idea of periodicly updating with suppliments. That's one thing I really dislike about Linke & Staeck's books. Each revised edition is just the same as the previous with 2 - 4 new species added. One has to buy a new edition just to get a few new species.

The book with the most beautiful photos is without a doubt Yamazaki's (Japanese only), but it is now old and it doesn't give much information.

Last, for West African cichlid fans, throw away the Linke & Staeck book and buy Lamboj's book. It has many more new species & forms. It is set up similar to Koslowski's book so that similar forms are shown together. This makes identification much easier.[/list][/u]


New Member
5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
Hi Mike,

Which of the books you list contain the best info about the natural habitats; such as collection locations (general area) & distribution, water conditions, habitat description, etc.?

I have Romers first volume and definitely plan to get the second volume when it comes available.

As for Kowalski, I don't know much German but I could probably figure out species that I'm interested in with a German/English dictionary. But it would be tough trying to indentify unknown fish when I can't even identify the text and the pictures are dark!! :wink:
How is this book for care and habitat info?


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
In my opinion Römer's Atlas is the most thorough. Koslowski's book has decent information, too, but it is not as detailed as Uwe's. Its superior to Römer's Atlas in that it has many more species/forms discussed, fewer misidentifications, and a more understandable - easier to use - identification system. As for reading, well, I find Ingo's writing much more complex than anyone else that I've read. It reminds me of Dr. Loiselle's speech & writing if you know what I mean.

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