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Suggest a species for my community tank?



I'm wondering if anyone might review my species
list and tank specs in order to suggest a suitable Dwarf Cichlid for my
community tank?
Nutshell version is 90g South American community
tetras/rasboras etc with low KH. The full specs can be seen
here .
I had always thought Rams
to be the clear choice, but lately Apistos have been in my brain.
The tank is sitting near capacity right now, but I have many
unoccupied caves and hidey-holes, plus practice weekly water
changes and do my best in regards to general husbandry and
feeding. I feel like the right pair/trio of dwarf cichlids would
make it the ultimate community tank- but which is the perfect *bingo*
species? I would go out of my way (meaning mail order/Aquabid) to obtain whatever would work out most peaceably.
I appreciate all comments and/or suggestions and promise to study up on any suggestions before proceeding. Thanks!


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Before I get to the fish, the 2 things that jump out at me are your lighting and filtration. Not that hefty amounts of lighting and filtration don't have their place, but in a tank with live plants and Dwarf Cichlids, it is a balancing act. You have pretty good lighting for a heavily planted tank, but IMO too much for a lightly planted tank. I can't quite tell and others would know better, but I think that you might be in for some serious algae battles unless you get some more plants in there.
Also, you have enough filtration to have oscars in your tank, instead of apistos. I see that you have quite a few other residents, but not so many that you would need that much filtration with the water changes you suggested. Usually that much filtration creates some pretty good water movement in the tank. Is this the case? If so, that is not ideal for plants or Apistogramma species.
I don't want to scare you off, because most all of the ingredients are there and the general plan is good. Apistos in your tank would probably have a great old time if the water movement isn't too hard. And they would care about the lighting much with all the others in the tank to make them feel comfortable. Just some things to keep in mind!
As far as the species, you have alot to choose from and it really depends on what you like. Personally, I would go with a cacatuoides. Great first apisto. Good color, good adaptability, good temperment (for the most part), and good chance of breeding. But look around and find some that you like and then present them here and we'll give you the rundown on them.


Also, you have enough filtration to have oscars in your tank, instead of apistos. I see that you have quite a few other residents, but not so many that you would need that much filtration with the water changes you suggested. Usually that much filtration creates some pretty good water movement in the tank. Is this the case? If so, that is not ideal for plants or Apistogramma species.
You mean it's not supposed to churn and bubble like that?? :D

The Eheim was purchased with a 75g in mind. When my lfs only had a 90g in stock I went with it but was afraid the 2026 wouldn't be enough- hence the additional Penguin.
The Eheim spraybar is directed towards the side of the tank, so the only real "agitation" I have is via the Penquins two bio-wheels.
The Vortex diatom is only used once weekly after I vaccuum the gravel.
But yes- I have wondered if the tank could survive on the Eheim alone.
As for the lighting- only 110w are ever on at one time, and I don't think that's too much for a 24" deep tank, but I could be wrong.
We only put the actinics on to simulate daylight/dark maybe 10 minutes twice a day. I wish I did have algae- I spend half my morning chopping zucchini for the otos and farlos.
I am adding more plants as I find decent ones- have a mail order coming next week, as an odd co-inkydink.

I do thank you for the suggestions- the turbulence is something I wondered about.

I'm off to study A. cacatuoides!


New Member
5 Year Member
Los Angeles, California

I'd recommend taking a look at A. cacatuoides, as was suggested, but also A. Borelli. Both are good starter Apistos.

BTW, I love the use of terra cotta in your tank. The urn in the middle is really appealing. :)


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