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Curvicep with flukes


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5 Year Member
Our male Curvicep has been distressed and scratching on the gravel or rock.

I see no sign of White Spot (Ich) but do notice what I would describe as a White Head or Pimple, light Beige colored at the top sides along the back. In about 2 or 3 spots, maybe 1/16" in size.

Have been treating the tank for three days with an Purple ICH treatment (will check the brand, it worked for white spot before).

He seems to be getting better, was completely lethargic laying upright on the bottom of in a plant. Now is swimming alittle and eating alittle. Still scratching.

Raised the temp from 79.5 to 81.5 to 82.1 to 83.9 breifly and now holding to about 82.

Could this be Flukes?


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5 Year Member
The spots could be caused by the scratching that the fish is doing. This will dislodge scales and cause localized sores. I would give the fish a 2-3 minute bath in salt water. Specific gravity of 1.023. This treatment can be repeated every day if needed, but I recommend every other day. Do not return the salt water to the tank though. The flukes and other parasites will only be stunned off of the fish and at the bottom of the bucket.

Terry Fairfield
aka "The Fishdoctor"


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The products I'm using are made by AP (Aquarium Products). The initial treatments were with "Quick Cure", a Malachite Green formula. I have had minimum results thus far.

Now trying their "Aquarsol" product, which appears to be purely a Copper Sulfate treatment. Starting gradually, testing Copper levels as I go. I have started at a third of the recommended dosage. I did notice once added all fish, Curvicep female, Tetra's and Corydoras (the cory's have been very nocturnal, actually came out) became more active and swam the tank end to end. Not sure if normal just before lights out or the fish areshowing signs of distress from the Aquarsol?

What type of Salt should I use?



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5 Year Member
Melafix, also made by Aquarium pharmaceutical, helped me with this kind of problem...



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5 Year Member
Our Curvicep male is coming around, more free swimming and eating alittle. However last night tried a feeding of Frozen brine, he tried to gulp a piece in, as he gulped and inhales he shook violently almost like trying to expell something. He still has accelerated breathing and looking into his mouth perhaps shows a little mucous membrane. His finnage is alot more erect and almost normal, just hope to get him back to full strength.

The Aquarsol product seems to be distressing to the fish.

Is there a basic salt mixture to use per gallon of water?
Also, what type of salt?



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5 Year Member
Finished up with 2 treatments of "Melafix", as of toaday the Male Curvicep is back to normal!

He's busy displaying to the female and letting other tank members know the boss is back!

Thanks to all who gave tips, I cannot really pin down what treatment cured him, maybe a combination of all 3?

Have a good one, Tom

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