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Best fit for 75g South American Tank


New Member
Central Pennsylvania
Hi all,
I recently gave up my chocolate cichlid and severum I had housed in my 75g and now I am thinking about turning it into a community tank. I already have four beautiful adult angels in my 55g and would like to move them into this tank once it is established. I wanted an opinion on what a good dwarf to keep in this tank would be and if I could potentially have more than one species. I currently have discrossus filamentosus in another tank so I would like to challenge myself with keeping something different.

Would Cleithracara Maronii be a good choice? Perhaps 6 of them? The other species I am interested in are Bolivian Rams and any of the Laetacara species. I haven't tried my hand at any of the apisto species as I am a little leery having harder water but I think I read Borelli or cacatuoides may be an option as well. Thanks!

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
C. maronii is a very shy cichlid. You might not see them much if kept with more 'pushy' cichlids like your angels. Any of the Laetacara spp. and M. altispinosus would work well. As for apistos, I see no problem with many of the larger/more robust species. If you're thinking of getting them to reproduce in a tank with angelfish, I think you'll be disappointed.


New Member
Central Pennsylvania
Thanks for the response,
I don't think I am ready to try my hand at breeding anything yet, so in the off chance my dwarves breed I would be okay with the angels picking off the fry. The reason I brought up hard water is because thus far I have only been able to successfully keep Rams, laetacara araguaiae, and my dicrossus in heavily peat softened water and was unsure how their requirements stood in relativity to the water values of apistos. I am still trying to learn more about what water values best suit each species and I just want to ensure my fish have what they need to be happy. Will all of the above be alright in moderately hard water provided I soften it a little with peat and oak leaves?


5 Year Member
Seattle, Wa
If you didn't want to mess with the water at all (and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't), I would think a tank strain of A. cacatuoides or L. dorsigera would be your best bet parameter wise.


New Member
Central Pennsylvania
Thanks for shedding some light on this topic for me,
I greatly appreciate all of the suggestions you guys have offered to me. Just out of curiosity could anyone perhaps direct me to a resource where I could find a list of dwarves that could potentially thrive in my harder water? I am truly interested in South American cichlids but I wouldn't mind searching out some of the West African dwarves either if that means they would be happier in my tanks. Right now I'm not sure I'm confident enough to alter water parameters too greatly, but I am willing to learn it means that would be better for my fish.

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