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Mike Wise
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  • Hey Mike I was recommended to you via the rocky mountain cichlid association. I am on a hunt for a certain fish and was told you may be able to help me. I'M searching high and low for apistogramma borellii opals. ANY leads would be very much appreciated
    I am looking for speakers for our club, Greater Portland Aquarium Society, for next year. We meet the second Sunday of the month at 3:00. I am just starting to set the line up, so dates at this point are pretty open. Would you be interested/ available for giving a talk. If so let me know which dates would work best for you. Short fight from Denver!
    [email protected]
    Sorry, but I know no one who ships small order internationally. I'm in Peru right now. Check back on trans. in Oct. Mike
    Hi Mike,
    Mike I live in Bermuda. Do you know anybody that exports small orders of Apistos & South American Dwarf Cichlids to Bermuda? Any help would be appreciated. Also I read that you have an authorised translation of Die Buntbarsche Amerikas by Ingo Koslowski, Great book but only in German would love to get a translation for my kids. Thanks for your time, your outstanding reputation precedes you. Cheers, Jay
    Yes, have lived in Denver for 35+ years. Member of the Colorado Aquarium Society since 1977. Not affiliated w/any pet store.
    Are you currently in Colorado? Affiliated with any groups/fish stores there?
    Yes, have the translation. Cost? Free for e-copy MS Word. Contact me when you get the book.
    Hi Mike i have the german book coming in mail Die Zwergcichliden Südamerikas by Werner Schmettkamp, 1982 (out of print) I would like to get the translation if possible How Much will it run me my email is [email protected]
    I have this German article somewhere in my library and I even translated it to English. If you want it I'll need an email address.
    Hi Mike,
    im looking for a article about the Dicrossus Foirni . Im looking for an article about keeping them and breeding in Windisch, W., 1992, Dicrossus sp. „Rio Negro, D.A.T.Z. 45(12): 767-770.

    The article was advised by you in one of the fish advice forums...Would it be possible to advice where i can get that book or the article online
    O.K. mike it this how it works??? I'm use to other boards that have P.M. section like an e-mail box..
    Let me know if i did this right? GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!
    Hi Mike,

    there is a discussion going on on Facebook about the top two fish from this thread http://www.apistogramma.com/forum/threads/id-please.18714/
    Most people believe it's A. (cf.) personata. However, according to the collector the location is Rio Inirida and thus not one of the known locations of (cf.) personata. Would be very interesting to hear your thoughts about this!

    Thanks and best regards,
    Hi Mike, my husband & I enjoyed your talk at CCAC tremendously! So much so, in fact, that we now have a female A. baenschi in quarantine from our club auction. I need advice on the best places to find an appropriate mate for her, as I understand from Lief Johansen that stores aren't the best sources. Thanks! Jenn
    Hi Mike, I'm new to this forum and was looking for some advice.
    Recently purchased a kubensis cichlid male. I was wondering if I would be able to house a pair of cockatoos with the kubensis without problems. Would the kubensis compete with the male cockatoo for the female seeing as they are so similar or would they just ignore each other? Tank is 1x3 foot planted, thanks
    Mike Wise
    Mike Wise
    I think you mean "Kribensis", the Common Krib. They do not make good tank mates because they communicate aggression/submission differently. This often leads to one killing the other.
    Many slides are pics from my friends who let me use them in programs, but not distribute them. Hope you understand.
    I just wasn't sure if you had a slide show or not. Its not a big deal, I just didn't want to miss out! Thanks anyway :)
    Hey Mike! I know you are going to be speaking at the AAAA this upcoming month. I really wanted to be there to hear and talk to you but sadly I will not be able to make it. After the event or before, do you think I could see your presentation? I am always looking to learn. Thanks!
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