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Apistogramma Kullanderi bred in the Uk for the first time, spawned feb 23rd 2021 Surrey uk

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member


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Nick Murphy

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I had a pair of adults imported last year, first female jumped out of the water and died so managed to get a second pair which at £350 a pair wasn't cheap but within three weeks the new female was spitting sand out and coloured up, I sold the parents to a friend as his pair of Kullanderi imported at the same time wouldn't breed for him, I've raised these fry since, my friend still hasn't been able to get his pair or my proven pair breeding, as far as I know I am the first in the UK to get them breeding, there were three
pairs imported by Apisto Aquatics, I've got 49 juvies that are growing on
That's a very pretty fish. Thank you for posting the pictures, and congrats on the babies!
Thanks Yvonne, these are very very rare in the Uk so I’m well chuffed to have had them spawn for me and it’s good for the Uk Apistogramma scene to have new rare fish imported as we don’t often get the opportunity to lay our hands on rare apisto these days and all of the delivery issues and import fees rising make it even more unlikely to have more of these imported into the Uk


Well-Known Member
Do you know the water condition under with they were bred and there general disposition (passive, aggressive, ...) ?

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member
Do you know the water condition under with they were bred and there general disposition (passive, aggressive, ...) ?

I used pure RO water and lots of live food to Induce spawning, water was 60ppm,I Only had this pair in the tank

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member
The Female didn't become aggressive until she went into breeding dress and on eggs, after that the male kept well away from her or she would chase him


Well-Known Member
I used pure RO water and lots of live food to Induce spawning, water was 60ppm,I Only had this pair in the tank
Do you know their temp range and if they are pair bonding or harem breeders? I'm not going to run out and purchase some per sey but in a year or two when I have more experience and access to more controlled environment i might keep my eye open. Right now I don't have the environment for delicate fishes or fishes that are more needy than tap water. Also I don't have any tank space.

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member
Do you know their temp range and if they are pair bonding or harem breeders? I'm not going to run out and purchase some per sey but in a year or two when I have more experience and access to more controlled environment i might keep my eye open. Right now I don't have the environment for delicate fishes or fishes that are more needy than tap water. Also I don't have any tank space.
Trio did not work for me. Pair only worked, temp 27, these fish were very expensive so I wouldn't buy them unless experienced and prepared to meet the correct conditions as it would be very difficult to locate a spare fish.

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member
I also separated the male after the eggs hatched so as to protect the fry and as the female would attack the male, the fry were just to valuable for me to risk them leaving the pair together as it was a first time spawn

Nick Murphy

New Member
5 Year Member
Congratulations on your success. FYI I know of several hobbyists in the US and Far East that reproduced this species over the past 3 years. Still not a common occurrence.
Thanks Mike, we only received these for the first time in the Uk last year, took me a couple of attempts but really happy that managed to get them breeding :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Congrats on the fry..
It’s fun to see a female with this much black on her body. Almost looks like what i’ve seen in nannacaras.

whats your next breeding adventure going to be?

Nick Murphy

New Member
5 Year Member
Congrats on the fry..
It’s fun to see a female with this much black on her body. Almost looks like what i’ve seen in nannacaras.

whats your next breeding adventure going to be?
Thanks, I think the female looks beautiful in her breeding dress, the male with his tail reminded me a bit of the Elizabethe when its tail moved about during flirting with the female. My current projects are L046 plecos, Apistogramma wise there are very few unusual choices in the UK and lack of import and delivery charges stop us from getting new species, it's took us three years in the uk to get the Kullanderi imported and even then we only had 3 pairs imported that along with an additional pair that another guy locally had imported but as yet not managed to get his spawning.


New Member
Trio did not work for me. Pair only worked, temp 27, these fish were very expensive so I wouldn't buy them unless experienced and prepared to meet the correct conditions as it would be very difficult to locate a spare fish.
Nice work!

Trio works fine in the right size tank. Now I use only 100 litre tanks for my females (one in each) and move the males between them. I tend to keep the males for about two weeks after spawning and have never seen one touch the fry. The female stays at least four weeks to not loose size on the fry. There is even fry from previous spawns that I didn't manage to catch that stay live. The biggest threat there is the female protecting the new fry. Have only had successfull spawns in pure RO. Put a pair in mixed water a couple of weeks ago just to test if the water tds really matters in this species. Feel they are easier than many other apistogramma to breed and the fry are rather large and tend to stay alive/healthy. I seldom get more than 30 or so fry. Might change when they get to full size.
A very interesting species, hope they will spread a bit faster now fter the pandemic. :)

Nick Murphy

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5 Year Member
Funny enough I spawned mine in pure RO as that’s all I use for my Apisto, the batch of fry must have been 70 plus as there were loads and I’m now down to 49 fry, I was moving the male about between a couple
Of females but in an effort to spread them about I sold the parents onto a friend who lives up north so hopefully he can get them going too but that said he has had the proven parents for around 6 months and he has had no luck, what country are you in?


New Member
Strange that the pair didn't spawn again at your friend's?
I'm in Sweden and we started this species up a year ago. Had been looking for a year when I finally found some.

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