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Transitioning from fry food to frozen food?

Andrew Jordan

New Member
Hello all, I have had recently had some success getting my apistos to breed! I have about 10-12 fry left that have almost reached the 2 and a half month mark, my question is how do you go about switching them from fry food to actual frozen or live food and at what age should this be done? They are getting fairly large but don't "know how" to eat the very small amounts of frozen food I have tried to feed them. Are they still to young to eat these foods and should I continue to feed BBS and Microworms? Any advice would be appreciated!!

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I'd try mixing live foods with shaved/chopped frozen food and see how it works. This has the advantage of weaning them off live foods exclusively and allowing the smaller fry to still eat. I'm always amazed at how small fish can eat larger foods. I have some 1/2" / 12.5mm juvenile A. sp. Wangenflecken that can swallow whole frozen bloodworms without a problem.
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