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Norway calling, again!


New Member
Rygge, Norway
I was born 1944, and got my first little aquarium in 1955, 42 litres. My father made it from not-so-stainless steel, with regular linseed-oil putty between steel and glass. Took a newspapaper a week for several months to clear the water surface of the resulting oily film, but eventually the putty stopped oozing oil. May they swim in eternal peace, the guppies, swordtails and black mollies that stayed with me for up to several months! during the 5 - 6 years I had this tank. No one had told me about the nitrogen process, how not to clean the airdriven filter and all the other info now readily available on the www.

After a few years of enjoing a 250 litre tank during the nineties, the room I had it in was converted to a new bathroom and the tankt to a restingplace in the garage. In January 2009, after having gone through several months of rather tough chemotherapy due to bone marrow cancer, or muliple myeloma, including a transplant of my own stem cells, I felt like having something more living to consentrate on and bought an Aquastabil 530 litre tank. Now, 11 tanks later, I have put the big one up for sale to make room for a set of 6 105 litres as this will allow for more Apistogramma.
My present stock consists of A. Barlowi, (Rio Ampiyacu in the Pebas area), A. cf. Luelingi F1,(Puerto Maldona area), A.alacrina (Paratype) F1, A. cf. Agassizi (Netz) (Alenquer), A. sp. Xingu, Vielfleck, A. sp. Nadelstreifen, (Leticia, Colombia), A. sp. Borellii (Rio Uruguay), A. sp. Atahualpa, (Rio Itaya/Rio Nanay drainage), A.sp. Napo 3, (Rio Napo), A. sp. Scwarzkehl, F1 (Rio Manacacias), and
A. rositae (aka.: A. sp. Harlekin/Harlequin / A. sp. Hifin "Panduro") (Rio Maranon drainage).

Living only some 40 miles and a ferry crossing from Tom C, I have had the pleasure of several visits to his tank room and also leave it with what is now the above list of wonderful fish. Being a most pleasant source of information as well as fish, he has inspired me to try and take this hobby more seriously than I had initially foreseen. For that I am deeply grateful.

I have joined once earlier, but with no activity, the thread was cancelled. Will try to make better use of this forum from now on. See that other people I know are also here (Lively, Loffa).


New Member
Rygge, Norway
show us some pictures man, so many tanks and no picture :)

I`m not heavily into photography, as the photos enclosed will demonstrate, but OK, here are some. The top is a DYI rack, the next one my "New" rack, 2 tanks inhabited and 4 being prepared for fish and looking accordingly.
Picture 3: The male A."sp. Napo 3" from Rio Napo in Peru is about to become a fther, I hope. The female has literally locked herself into a coconut cave, hopefully with some fertilized eggs also inside the cave.

I have a previous hatch which his brother fathered, but unfortunately the surviving four turned out males only. This time I shall try to have a skewed hatch, mostly females. Any advice to achieve this with this species? (I have got them from Tom C, by the way!) I know that a temperatrure of 23 - 24 degrees Centigrade will help, anything else that can be done? I have them now at pH 6,0 and the water here is very soft by nature.

Picture 4 is a A. Rositae female from Rio Maranon, Peru, taking care of some 7 days old fry, too small to be seen on any photo I can take.


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