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I need to calm down

Ghazanfar Ghori

New Member
5 Year Member
Ashburn, VA
I just got a copy of 'Cichlids from West Africa' by
Horst Linke & Dr. Wolfgang Staeck and I have been drooling
nonstop. My wife thinks I've finally snapped. I've been walking
around the house mumbling things like...
...20Gs...planted....single pairs only....
...a whole wall of them.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Westies finally got to you, huh!?! Thing is, as good as that book is, there are so many more and so many that it does not do justice to.

...20Gs...planted....single pairs only....
...a whole wall of them.

Sounds like a plan. You have been doing pretty well with your wife for her to wait all this time to think that you have snapped!

Just remember that you can always calm down after you die. The trick will be to keep your wife from killing you! :D



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
OK.. how, where and for how much did you get eth book? Is it in German or translated? Minds that are already cracked really want to know...

Ghazanfar Ghori

New Member
5 Year Member
Ashburn, VA
Neil said:
Westies finally got to you, huh!?! Thing is, as good as that book is, there are so many more and so many that it does not do justice to.

How many of these species are actually available in the hobby here
in the US?


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
That ISBN number did not work on Amazon. Is the book you got the new edition that is only published in German, or the 1995 edition in English?

If anyone is interested, I have been quoted a price of $30 including shipping to get the new edition from Europe... including shipping.


New Member
5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
Hi Ghazanfar,

My wife is thinking the same thing of me! In the past 2 months I've been trying to get more than a dozen tanks set up that I've been storing for the past 8 years or so. So far I've got 7 set up with 5 or 6 more to go. I don't have a basement or garage, so I've been going around measuring every nook and cranny! :roll:

One difference, I'm focusing on Apistos. I have 5 different species so far. After I get a few more species of Apistos, I hope to get a some of the wild caught Pelvichromis Sacramontis that are for sale by Zang Company and set a tank up for the a pair of them to spawn. I hope when I'm ready in late October, these fish are still available! Didn't you get some of these fish yourself?

By the way, I just discovered that it's 32 inches between the small closet door and the towel rack in the upstairs bathroom! Room for a pair of 20 gallon longs! Now I just need to figure out how to break this "good" news to my wife! :?


Ghazanfar Ghori

New Member
5 Year Member
Ashburn, VA
Your battle is tougher than mine! Good luck with that!

Yes, I got 2 pairs of the sacrimontis from Zang. Both males are
now history. One died due to a possible internal parasite, the second
died while I was away on vacation. I assume it was agression by
the female. Lucky I got a large batch of fry from them. Hopefully
I'll be able to get a few pairs from that batch.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
The one that Ghazanfar got is the older edition.
The price that you were quoted for the new edition is great. Fill us in on the details. I want to order one.


How many of these species are actually available in the hobby here
in the US?

Alot! You may have to do a little searching, but this forum is a good place to start. People here can point you in the direction of numerous species. I have about 12 species with fry from most. Secies can be found on Aquabid, from Toyin, Oliver, etc..... Once you get your wall of 20s set up :lol: you should be able to fill your tanks with quite a few of the species that you are drooling over and some you haven't seen yet. That is very good news, because it wasn't too long ago that it was difficult to find anything beside pulcher with any regularity.



Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
West & Central African Cichlids

Hey, you guys are too much!

Well, it's nice to know that I'm not the only guy around here whos significant other threatened to leave him if the troth of live black worms wasn't removed from the fridge immediately.

Welcome to the wonderful world of "Westies," although it's not just about "Westies" anymore. For some years now, the lion's share of dwarf cichlids have been coming out of central Africa, specifically Cameroon, Gabon, Rio Muni and Congo (Brazzaville). Scientists refer to this area as the Lower Guinea region.

The Lower Guinea is a region that has not been surveyed very well. As survey efforts increase, we may expect many more new species. Etia nguti and Divandu albimarginatus are but just two new monotypic genera and species that are endemic to the Lower Guinea.

As for L&S's books, here are the ISBN numbers...

1994 English edition: 1-56465-166-5
2002 German edition: 3-89745-102-6

(Ted, $30 for the 2002 edition is quite good. I paid $50 last year).

The best book of all, however, is being written as we speak. I encourage everyone to buy the English edition of The Cichlids of West Africa by Dr. Anton Lamboj when it is published next year. Unlike the L&S books, this volume will cover all of the cichlid fishes from Senegal to South Africa; everything from Pelvicachromis pulcher to Heterochromis multidens.

Fortunately for us all, more West & Central African cichlids are being imported into the US now than ever before, and if I have anything to do with it, we will be seeing additional imports never before seen in the US.

Thanks friends!

Randall Kohn


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
The price I was quoted is from a book exporter in Holland. The price was for one book, but I will negotiate with him to try to get a dozen or so. If I cannot get the price down, then I will just give his name to everyone and let him ship them all out separately..lol..

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