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Do panduro and cactuoides mix?



Hello all,

I never tried to keep different apistos in one tank. What about one pair of panduro and two of cacatuoides in 50g planted tank? Of course, there are others also: 3 subadult discuss, 9 cories panda, 4 adult dwarf albino plecos and lots of killifish. Two concerns: panduro seem to be quite aggressive; what happens if apistos start breeding (and they will :) )
Thanks for your opinions,


New Member
5 Year Member
Ukilli said:
Hello all,

I never tried to keep different apistos in one tank. What about one pair of panduro and two of cacatuoides in 50g planted tank? Of course, there are others also: 3 subadult discuss, 9 cories panda, 4 adult dwarf albino plecos and lots of killifish. Two concerns: panduro seem to be quite aggressive; what happens if apistos start breeding (and they will :) )
Thanks for your opinions,

Two pairs of different apistos, particularily one that is known to be rather aggressive during mating in any tank would be bad.

My pair of cockatoos was rather pugnacious even when they weren't caring for fry/eggs in my 50g heavily planted.

Pairs of apistos are best left for their own tanks.


5 Year Member
3 pairs sounds like too many to me. I have a trio of cacatuoides in a 33g long community tank and there is no way that the male would allow another male in there. I wanted more but I'm glad I didn't try it. One pair each of panduros and cacs might work but I'll let the experts comment on that.


New Member
london uk
it may work , though as others have said someone is going to get some likely aggression directed toward them
you have apisto's cories and pleco's all being predominatly bottom dwellers

one or more of this group will be crowded out and uncomfortable when squabbling for territory occurs

egg's and or fry if you are lucky enough to get any will be hard pressed to survive the attentions of cory and pleco's



fishgeek said:
it may work , though as others have said someone is going to get some likely aggression directed toward them
you have apisto's cories and pleco's all being predominatly bottom dwellers

one or more of this group will be crowded out and uncomfortable when squabbling for territory occurs

egg's and or fry if you are lucky enough to get any will be hard pressed to survive the attentions of cory and pleco's

Thanks to all.
My apistos are subadults that did not breed yet. I hope to grow them up in community tank. Then will see if different apistos manage to go along.
To Andrew:
I've seen on this forum different opinions on whether cories and apistos can stay in a community tank. What about plecos and apistos, anybody tried? or only otocinclus can be used as algae eaters?


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5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
The only problem with cories and plecos in with apistos is that they eat the apisto fry. If you don't care to raise any fry, there is no problem. Oto cats do best in teams of 2 or 3 and they don't eat the fry at all. For heavy duty cleanup, I have 1 pleco that I rotate through my tanks after the fry have been removed.

Algae eating shrimps are good for eating algae from Java Moss. The apistos might harass and even kill some shrimp, but I've found that the Java Moss and driftwood offer good protection from this. I've only noticed trouble when the shrimp are first introduced. The apistos will pick on them for a little while. Once the shrimp settle in and learn where they are safe and where not, I see no more trouble. I've had mine for over a year now in 20 and 30 gallon breeding tanks.

Sometimes I have clumps of Java Moss get serious algae growth that the shrimp and oto cats can't handle. For this I have some mollies in their own tank and I bring the algae ridden moss to them for clean up. They do a fantastic job! I keep the mollies in their own tank because they like a trace amount of salt which is not good for apistos. Once the clump is clean, I return it to the tank it came from (or another).



New Member
5 Year Member
Chicago IL
50 g should be perfectly fine as long as u have some plants and some hiding places. Also plecos will eat the eggs of the cacs and the cacs wont be able to do anything about it same goes for the panduro. The cories they might be able to defend but the plecos unless they are really small they wont be able to defend the eggs.


kribs said:
50 g should be perfectly fine as long as u have some plants and some hiding places. Also plecos will eat the eggs of the cacs and the cacs wont be able to do anything about it same goes for the panduro. The cories they might be able to defend but the plecos unless they are really small they wont be able to defend the eggs.

Thanks for comment. I think the best way to deal with this problem is to temporarily remove plecos and (if necessary) corries when apistos spawn. Then am just curios: on many occasions I read that apistos live in same biotopes side-by-side with plecos. If apistos are not able to protect eggs/broods against armored catfish in tank, what happens in nature?

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