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Apistogramma photo collection project!


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi all!

Hope this is ok Mike!

I'm on a project right now finding photos of as many different Apistos as possible and I always ask all photographers prior any usage!!
If you wish to contribute to this I would be more than glad!!
See how far I've come here:

Each species have a set of photos, I'm are looking for a main picture (the first you see) and then male, female, fry, +3 extra pictures per species. The bigger the better, we can use up to 2MB files and about 1900 pixels in width. To see what we are lacking you can look here:

a "0" means no photo.

I am part of running the Nordic cichlid association, NCS (turning 46 years old this year, not me but the association :)), and I am currently working with improving our species register. I have a lot of help from many famous names in the business, such as Martin Hoffman, Roland Kipper, Sven O. Kullander, Anton Lamboj, Ad Konings, Kjell Fohrman, Wilhelm Heinz, Steve Chester, Andrew Wood, Erik Åhlander, Radek Bednarczuk, Topi Lehtonen and many more that are helping out by letting us use photos they have. Our register is open for all and non-commercial, you do not need to be a member or anything like that and our aim is to support the hobby in best possible way.

I was hoping maybe you could help us a bit as well regarding photos of Apistogramma, most of all, but maybe other cichlids as well.

Looking forward to hearing more from you guys...If you wish to contribute we can use mail or we can use dropbox

David Rejdemyhr
medlem (at) ciklid.org


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
I would be more than happy. The more we "aquanerds" stick together we can support the hobby in best possible way.

Also note that the species descriptions can be translated to your language by clicking on the "country"-flag up to the right when watching a specific species. Unfortunately today the photos are disabled when watching in translated mode.

And again, this is fully open to all and will stay so. Enjoy.

We have a scientific counsil in teh form of Erik Åhlander and Sven Kullander and Ola Svensson who are all researchers in the rea of cichlids and surroundings. Still the competence in the hobby is vast and any findings of flaws are of course appreciated to get to know about so that we do not spread missconceptions!

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
You have a good start. I think that you might be trying too hard. It is unlikely that you will find photos of every population that you list. For example, many of the populations of one species is indistinguishable from other populations of the species. Unless you know for certain where a fish was collected you should not give it a population name. After a quick look I see some corrections are needed:

Your "A. cf. agassizii Broad Black CaudalSeam" - Careiro is actually A. bitaeniata. The "A. cruzi" appear to be a form of A. sp. Pebas. The "A. ortmanni" is actually a form of A. steindachneri. The "A. paucisquamis" is actually an agasssizii-complex species, possibly A. pulchra(?). The "A. regani" and "A. cf. regani (Trombetas) are the same photo - and is not either of these species/forms (possibly a form of A. geisleri, but not sure from this photo). Based on this photo, I would say that the fish labeled as "A. sp. Blutkehl" (which should have abdominal bars like A. iniridae) is actually A. uaupesi. Your "A. sp. Içana" is actually a specimen of A. iniridae with only one elongated caudal ray. I had a similar specimen, except that the elongated ray was on the upper lobe. The "A. sp. nanay" appears to be another eunotus-complex species; the caudal spot is the wrong shape for Nanay/Melgar. The "A. sp. Rio Tapiche" appears to be a population of A. cf. eunotus (note the dark operculum that is common on many cf. eunotus, but not on Tapiche).


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
Thanks for the feedback.

I have no expectation of finding photos of every species just as many as possible. ;)

I'll get on with doing the correction you have found. If you find anything else I'd appreciate it.

Any ideas on which steindachneri it is?
-> The "A. ortmanni" is actually a form of A. steindachneri

A. sp. Içana was listed as iniridae previousely but I got feedback that it was a icana based on the note you also bring forward.

I searched abit more on our own forum regarding the paucisquamis and further down in that old thread it is actually ID as pulchra. Thanks! :)

If you click on the photos you can see all photos of that species for Apistogramma sp. "blutkehl"
you can see them here and there are photos from both Erik Bakker and F. Ingemann Hansen:
If you then click on the photos again you get them in higher resolution. Are both wrong?


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
I really don't mean to be annoying but one of the pictures under salpinction is actually cf. regani.

Absolutely not anoying! i need this feedback the buildup of photos has been done rather quickly and I have expected some issues. I guess the third photo. That was ment showing the female = hona

Which picture do you mean counting from top?

Portoguese is now available however so far indicated with a spanish icon so far the second one. :)

Swedish course, could come handy some day you never know :):


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
A. cruzi
A. sp Icana
A. cf. agassizii Broad Black CaudalSeam" - Careiro
A. regani
A. paucisquamis

Open questions:
1) sp. nanay, there are several photos all wrong? second opinions?

2)A. sp. Blutkehl:
there are photos from both Erik Bakker and F. Ingemann Hansen:
If you then click on the photos again you get them in higher resolution. Are both wrong?

3) Any ideas on which steindachneri it is?
Mike: -> The "A. ortmanni" is actually a form of A. steindachneri
Río Cuyuni, A139?

4) Apistogramma sp. "rio tapiche", they are from Mark Breeze and the photos are taken by Johnny Dean (great photos btw) and they have stated sp. "alto tapiche" and maybe I have misinterpreted this as the same as rio tapiche? Look for more photos here:
and here


5 Year Member
Hi David,
I have recently spoken to Ola who asked if i could help with this project and of course i will help where possible. I have many pictures on older files that i will have to dig up...
By The way. Yes the A sp Rio Tapiche fish is the fish Tom and i collected as A.sp.Alto Tapiche.I passed these F1 fish onto Johnny Dean but i also have some good photos taken in my aquarium that might also complement Johnnys photos. BTW The dark operculum that is visible on other eunotus group fish is also visible on A. sp. Alto Tapiche..... The fish should be called A.sp.Alto Tapiche.
Be in touch as soon as i get time to look over your project....

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I cannot give the A. steindachneri a known location. It almost looks like the domestic strain that was in the hobby in the 1950s-1980s that was called "A. wickleri". It is not the same strain, however, so please do not use this name.

The A. sp. Blutkehl seem to be correctly identified. The first photo just does not represent the species as well as some of the other photos.

A. sp. Nany/Melgar: Gert Blank's fish appear to be A. cf. eunotus Orange-schwanz/Orangetail. William Montes' photo show a spectacular specimens of Nanay/Melgar. Note the differences in the shapes of the caudal spots. Nanay/Melgar also has yellow pectoral fins, but Orangeschwanz does not.

Mark answered your question about A. sp. Rio Tapiche. Again, like the Blutkehl, they do not represent the species well. The rusty stripes on the flanks are not seen. In many respects I thought that they might have been A. sp. Tahuayo, which is similar.


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
Thanks for the response!

I got a few responses over pm as well and I really appreciate this. We are looking into if we can turn the entire register into a multilingual register, more usefull for all.

Looking forward to hear more from you Mark.

Mike maybe you have some odd balls not commonly seen in the trade that we could put up on the register? :)


5 Year Member
Lisbon, Portugal
Hi... I've seen the portuguese translation available, just missing the flag. if you aren' able to guet the portuguese flag, please use a blank space... for portuguese to be under the spanish flag is almost an insult! :D ;)

I see you have all the help you need with the dwarf new world cichlids... I sure can't do any better than Mike or Mark... I see the you have other cichlid where I might help and, from one association to another, maybe I can help...

Hudson Ensz

5 Year Member
Manaus, Brazil south america
We should have portuguese! Let me see what I can do!

Hudson again thanks for your contributions. Maybe I misplaced a photo from you: A. regani http://www.ciklid.org/artregister/artreg_visa_art.php?ID=285. Did you figure out what species it was previousely?

Wow I did not see this when i commented last... I dont know if I have had the true regani, ask Mike Wise. He Identified the ones I currently have as A. cf. regani.


5 Year Member
Stockholm, Sweden
The project continues. I have received huge amount of help thanks all for helping out.

Still I need more help. Hehe, if you feel you could contribute it would be great. Afrikan dwarf cihlids maybe? Other beauties. I just love browsing photos it makes me want to get more, which is not the nbest though, they need to fit somewere! :)

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