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Pelvicachromis roloffi "Blue fin"


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5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Pelvicachromis sp. "Blue Dorsal"

Hello Bobby,

Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about the blue-dorsal-finned Pelvicachromis and can't say that this form corresponds to Pelvicachromis roloffi. I was first made aware of this form when Oliver Lucanus showed me a photo at the American Cichlid Association convention this past July 2004. The fish in question supposedly came in with a shipment from Guinea but, unlike the other fishes coming out of that country, was not collected from the Kolente system. The image depicted a Pelvicachromis species female that exhibited a distinct iridescent turquoise-blue bar on the dorsal fin. Shortly thereafter, Toyin Ojo advised me that this form came in as a contaminent with one of his shipments from Guinea as well. As far as I know, they've only just entered US, in quantity, for the first time this month (Jan. 2005).

Oliver Lucanus forwarded preserved specimens to Anton Lamboj this past summer. We wait with baited breath for Dr. Lamboj's analysis.

Should you find out anything more, please post it here.

Thank you.

Randall Kohn


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
Dr. Lamboj and I have been discussing this fish a bit. He is suggesting that it is at the least a different Plevicachromis species, and possibly a new genus.


5 Year Member
New York City/Westchester County
Pelvicachromis "Blue fin" spawn

A pair of these fish have spawned in a 30 gallon. The water parameters at the time of spawning were pH 6.4 at 126 ppm hardness and 75 degrees F. The fry are now swimming free and taking frozen bbs, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs and Golden Pearls. This is a cave spawning species in the usual Pelvicachromis fashion. The female remains in the cave with the eggs (and later the wrigglers) and the male guards the perimeter of their territory. When the fry swim free both the male and female guard the fry and lead them on foraging expeditions around the tank. Both parents also signal to the fry in the same manner as Pelvicachromis species.

The spawn yielded only a small number of fry (15-20). I am not sure if this was the result of my water being to hard or the relatively small size of the fish. I have seen much larger fish of this type but I chose smaller (and presumably younger) fish to increase the likelihood of an eventual spawn. I intend to try to get them to spawn again in softer water and perhaps this will increase the number of fry (assuming water hardness reduced the hatch rate).

I don't think these fish are a color morph of P. Roloffi. They have a different body shape. They are much longer and slenderer than the P. Roloffi I have kept and bred. This is particularly true of the females. Obviously this will be decided by the professionals but this is my observation for what ever its worth.

I would like to compare notes with others who have bred this species. In particular I would like to know the water parameters at the time of spawning and any observed effects of pH and water temperature on the sex ratio of the fry.




Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin"

dhm325 said:
I don't think these fish are a color morph of P. Roloffi. They have a different body shape. They are much longer and slenderer than the P. Roloffi I have kept and bread. This is particularly true of the females. Obviously this will be decided by the professionals but this is my observation for what ever its worth.

I would like to compare notes with others who have bred this species. In particular I would like to know the water parameters at the time of spawning and any observed effects of pH and water temperature on the sex ratio of the fry.

Hello David,

Yours is the first successfull spawning of 'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin" with which I am aware. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

I, too, don't believe this form is P. roloffi but rather something new. If you can do it, please report back on the shape of the females' pelvic fins. Are they rounded like with Pelvicachromis species, or is the first ray the longest giving the fin a pointed appearance. My fish won't extend their pelvic fins long enough for me to get a good look at them.


All the best,

Randall Kohn


Does anyone know wether Blue Fin has ever been exported to Europe?
I would so very much like to get my hands on a few couples.
Westafrican cichlids aren't very common here in Sweden(with the exception of a few species ofcourse), but on occasion something rare turns up.


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5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin"

Hello ZakatH,

To my knowledge, 'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin" is not in the European hobby yet. Collecting it now may be diffucult because the rainy season has started in West Africa.

All the best,

Randall Kohn


Well, I guess I'll just have to wait then. Will you guys be posting updates of some sort when new info about the species is available?
Do you know if there is anyone to speak to concerning west african cichlids being exported to Europe? Would be great to know where I can get hold of certain species without having to import myself.

Also, do you know any good places where I could get hold of Lamboj's Cichlid Fishes of Western Africa with reasonable shipping times? The cost of the book is a little hefty here in Sweden (plus it's often in german) and I think it's worth waiting a little longer if I could get it cheaper and in english.


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin"

Hello ZakatH,

Yes, as more is known about 'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin" and its availability, we will update the species profile on apistogramma.com. Anton Lamboj has asked me not to publish anything about this taxon, for the time being, until he scientifically describes it, to prevent any possible conflicts.

For information about western African cichlids in Europe, Pete Liptrot (England) and Alf Stalsberg (Norway) are good persons to ask. If you like, you may contact me privately for their email addresses.

The English edition of Anton Lamboj's new book may be ordered directly through the Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag web site at www.schmettkamp.de.

Good luck!

All the best,

Randall Kohn


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin"

Hello Keith,

Both Boffa and Friya correspond to place names that are situated north of Conkaray, the Guinean capital. Where did you see them for sale, please?


Randall Kohn


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin"

Hello Keith,

Thanks for the link to Uncle Ned's site; he usually gets his western African fishes through Laif de Mason.

Looking at the list, I see that the Pelvicachromis sp. "Blue Fin" Boffa and Friya are grouped with P. roloffi from the Kienke River. Both Boffa and Friya are situated considerably north of the Kienke, and it is known that the blue-finned 'Pelvicachromis' is collected symtopically with P. humillis. I see that both P. humillis Boffa and Friya are on the list as well. This grouping is consistant with the assertion that 'Pelvicachromis' sp. "Blue Fin" is found north of the Kienke system and that it is collected with P. humilis.

Thanks again for the link; when the blue-finned species is described, it will be interesting to see how it is related to the Guinean Pelvicachromis species.

Take care.

Randall Kohn


5 Year Member
Thanks for the reply. I still have four from Toyin, but they have not paired off. They are growing fast so maybe soon.



5 Year Member
Pelvicachromis said:
Thanks for the reply. I still have four from Toyin, but they have not paired off. They are growing fast so maybe soon.


I am having a lot of problems with male aggression with this species, anyone else having this issue?


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