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Intro from Central IL

Wendy Porch

New Member
Franklin, Illinois
Good morning. My name is Wendy Porch and I reside in the small town of Franklin, Illinois. I'm approx. a half an hour drive to Springfield.

I have three favorite cichlids, Apistos, Discus and Angels. I could sit and watch them for hours.

I haven't had much luck with the Apistos that I have bought online. The local fish stores either do not carry many at all or they have just males. I truly want to know where my fish come from so a LFS really isn't an option for me either.

I am new to the Apistogramma Cichlid and have a lot to learn. Learning is one reason I joined Apisto.com The other reason is to find a reputable source to purchase Apistos from. I'm tired of spending money with the same online source and the Apistos arriving dead or dying an hour after they arrive.

Looking forward to learning and also meeting great Cichlid people here at Apisto.com

uk torquay
Hi from the u.k
sorry to hear u dont have mutch luck with apistos.prob the way there delivered to u there quite delicate
fish and do get stressed quite easily.
I only live about a 2 miles away from were I get mine and I still lose 1 now and then or become sick.
I would find somewhere eles to buy them from u might be lucky and find someone one hear that sells some.
Dont give up there ace little fish
hope it works out
rob from the uk

Wendy Porch

New Member
Franklin, Illinois
Hi from the u.k
sorry to hear u dont have mutch luck with apistos.prob the way there delivered to u there quite delicate
fish and do get stressed quite easily.
I only live about a 2 miles away from were I get mine and I still lose 1 now and then or become sick.
I would find somewhere eles to buy them from u might be lucky and find someone one hear that sells some.
Dont give up there ace little fish
hope it works out
rob from the uk

Thank you so much, Rob. I'm not giving up. I absolutely love them.

I currently have 2 orange flash cacatuoides - 1 male and 1 female and 3 wild caught Rotpunkts that survived. I've had two shipments of the cacatuoides sent and totaled probably 12 that were sent to me. I had 8 Rotpunkts delivered and I have 3 left.

I was just watching my male chase my female a bit ago. They are so fun to watch.

I'm hoping to find someone on here, as you suggested. :)

Pisces 56

St. Paul, MN
Discus and angels. Tuff fish to care for. I could never do them. My Congo tetras are gorgeous though! LOL!

I, too, love to just sit for hours and watch my fish. Fishless folk just don't get it. They are such beautiful creatures. (The fish - NOT the fishless folk.)

Gotta get my eyes looked at... I read your name as "Perch," and thought "My! Isn't that fitting." (blush)

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jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
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Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
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