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Images for Species Profiles


5 Year Member
Lincoln, Nebraska
Hi Ted,

I noticed that your Species Profiles section is growing only slowly. Would you accept submission of images by forum members to create a database like the one in cichlidae.com? Or do you think this is unnecessary duplication of information that's already available? I'd be happy to send images of West Africans, as long as there is no need to write up a report.

Outsmarted the wife by getting "her" a fancy digital camera for Christmas!



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
The spscies profiles project is on hold because 1) I do not have the time to do it all by myself, and 2) Rahul is working on a new profile page that might be easier to manage, but still would require the profiles to be written.

A database system like exists on cichlidae.info is nice, but it is beyond my current understanding of how to set up. Regardless of whether the photo sections are database or not, the profiles still have to be written, and that is what takes the most time. My current priority is fixing the multitude of problems on tedsfishroom.com, which we are trying to take database, but are having a hard time doing (without paying someone to do it for us, and I do not have the money for that).

Profiles are not hard to write, just time consuming. If anyone would like to participate in the project here is what you need to do.

1) Take a look at the profiles to get an idea of the content categories.
2) Do not worry about the data-table information at the top of the page... I can find that pretty easily and quickly. All I need is the paragraph text sections.
3) Write out the profile text in a Word document, and then mail it to me at [email protected]
4) I will format it into a profile, add images and get it loaded up.

Resources to use for the information can be any one that you want. I might edit a bit if I feel something needs to be added, but I would not remove something without talking to you first.

As far as redundancy with cichlidae.info goes... I have given that a lot of thought. Honestly, I am very close to pulling the plulg on the profiles section of this site and letting it just be a forum. That is about all I am willing to handle on my own. If someone woudl like to take over the profiles project, I am open to let someone do it. I make that offer to everyone who asks about it, and except for Rahul (who is extremely busy with his own projects), noone has taken it yet.


New Member
5 Year Member
Lancaster, UK
As far as redundancy with cichlidae.info goes... I have given that a lot of thought. Honestly, I am very close to pulling the plulg on the profiles section of this site and letting it just be a forum. That is about all I am willing to handle on my own. If someone woudl like to take over the profiles project, I am open to let someone do it. I make that offer to everyone who asks about it, and except for Rahul (who is extremely busy with his own projects), noone has taken it yet.


I would definitely be interested in helping with the profiles section, I have some HTML experience and would love to help if it meant keeping and expanding the profiles .

Let me know anyways.



5 Year Member
Lincoln, Nebraska
I, too, would be willing to contribute write-ups and images for a few (!) West African species. I wouldn't be able to do too many, though, due to working a pretty demanding job. I'd probably pick some of the species that spawned for me repeatedly, suggesting I'm doing something right with them. Or, perhaps, a few of the hard-to-find Westies that I keep?

Perhaps Craig should let us know the best way to format our text before getting ahead of ourselves. Or would you like to stick with us sending the text to you in Word format for ease of editing, Ted?



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
I am very willing to format the pages if someone will send me the text. That being said, I plan to wait a bit until I hear back from Rahul about the new template that he has been working on. Hopefully he will get back to me soon. I use whatever books I have. For westies that is generally Anton Lamboj's book. For Apistos and other SA books I have been using Romer's.

Craig... thanks. The current pages are created on a WYSIWYG webpage software (SiteSpinner) that does not require me to use html.. which means that I do not know how to use html effectively. If you want to have a go at creating something with html, go for it. Rahul has been working on a simpler template that will get the profile on one page rather than a long, scrolling page. He is busy with other projects, however, so I do not know when he will get it finished. Whatever you create, however, I will have to be able to work with. The page Rahul is workign on is going to have the profiles match the color scheme of the forum, which I think is a good idea.


5 Year Member
Ted i got my first book thanks to Mike and will be starting to write up a few profiles as well. May i advise to set up a topic to write the profiles we are working on so any effort is not duplicated and wasted on same specie.


New Member
5 Year Member
Lancaster, UK

Ill get started on a generic template for the profiles and possibly have a go at rehashing the indexing page if you like??

Ill upload it to my own webspace and PM you the link when done so you can give it the once over, I can mail you the pages over as text files if all ok..


5 Year Member
Lincoln, Nebraska
Ted, I think Beleg raised a good point. We (you) probably need to sort this out before various people start writing about the same species.

Craig & Beleg: I'd feel comfortable writing about Chromidotilapia guntheri loennbergi, Tilapia bythobates, and Benitochromis sp. Eseka. Steve Thornton and I might also be able to contribute a joint write-up for a hard-to-find cichlid, Iranocichla hormuzensis. (Steve: I apologize for volunteering you here, but thought since we obtained this species together it would be just fair...)



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
The can of worms will be trying to define what we will write profiles for. There is an obvious nees for SA dwarf cichlids, and there is a dedicated following to West African riverine cichlids here as well (but few of those species are dwarf). For right now, I would prefer to stick to those two groups.

There is a list of Apistogramma species in the Species Profiles section, and any that are not already posted do not have profiles written. One thing I would like to do with Apistogramma is to combine geographic races and color forms into one profile for the defining species.... including tank strain color forms. I didnot start out that way because of the wide range for some species (such as A. aggassizii). I now think that it is better to have a general descirption of the species and a gallery of the different types, like I did with Pelvicachromis taeniatus and P. humilis.

I will start a thread to keep track of who is doing what.


5 Year Member
Ok. Next week i'll fly to Netherlands for some training and will be back on 13 Jan. Will start writing after that.

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