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ID and possibly sexing. D37? (Alacrina complex)


New Member
Howdy everyone,

I have a fun one. My LFS gets some particularly interesting Apistogramma sp. but doesn't always have good labeling of them (Got some a paulmuelleri labeled as 'cara pintada' last week) These guys were labeled/came in as 'rio vaupes blue'

So, I don't really find anything useful by the label. But I also like mystery fish. I got 3, unsure if any are male, one that looked like MAYBE. Its been a couple weeks, and the one that is maybe male, does seem to have a bit more color than the other two.

What do you think they may be?

Possibly male.


Definitely female




New Member
Yes they are D37 aka A. sp. Kiemenfleck/Gill-spot and the first one is likely a male. You can find some information about them in this article.
Thank you very much for the insight. Glad to know its most likely exactly what I think it is, and that the one I was hoping was a male may just be! They only had 4 individuals left when I went, and 3 looked defintiely female.

FYI Carapintada was one of the common/commercial names used for A. paulmulleri prior to it being scientifically described.
This is true and I found that in my research as well. Mostly annoing as it is also used for a. 'winkelfleck'. Mostly was using it as an example of somewhat ambiguously marked, and uncommon apistogramma sp that my LFS gets in stock. I am truly blessed with this shop though, Ive seen Elizabethae, Ortegai, Gibbiceps, Agassizi tefe, agassizi alemare, trifasciata (my first apistos!) etc. Along with the more common ones like the aquarium strain cockatoos and agassizi fire reds.
I believe the owner is very big on Apistogramma specifically, and South American biotopes specifically. They also typically have 20+ sp of corydoras!


Well-Known Member
The female isn't bad looking.... by her-self; lovely fish. btw i'm finding that substrate colour has a huge impact on fish colouring; curious what colour substrate you are using.


New Member
The female isn't bad looking.... by her-self; lovely fish. btw i'm finding that substrate colour has a huge impact on fish colouring; curious what colour substrate you are using.
For substrate, mostly green lol. I try to get a carpet of subwassertang in most of my apisto tanks. I literally JUST trimmed some of the plants in here earlier today, but this is the 7 gallon cube that the male and one female are in currently.

If not green, then aquasoil color or black sand typically. I like the contrast with dark substrates and plants so usually go with that.

The male is moved back and forth between this one, and a 20 Long that the other female lives in.


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