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a. pucallpaensis male colour ?


Well-Known Member
I gotten two males from different sources (both claim the fishes are wc); but they have quite a bit different colour and I was curious what is normal for this fish with regards to colouring range and if this is due to mood; or just general variance in the fish:
The first has quite a bit of yellow while the 2nd is much more red:

Doing a 'google' search i do see frequenlty both colours with some more in the middle; but what i don't know if it is a location thing or just natural variance from fish to fish.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
First, at least for me, it would be hard to discuss color variations based on these 2 photos. It is mainly due to differences int the 'white balance' of the lighting in the photos. That being said, Ap. pucallpaensis is very widely spread, between the upper Rio Ucayali near Pucallpa, Peru and the Amazon near Leticia, Colombia. As such it may include several different color populations or even different species. I don't know of anyone who has studied color variations as related to distribution.


Well-Known Member
thanks mike; i can say in person the tail is the big difference. I currently have 5 in a 10; 1 confirm female; the male and 2 likely female and one really an unknown. The confirm female has wrigglers. I have to say the aggression between the male/female seems virtually nil; though she does not the other 3 approach and they don't challenge her. I should probably try to remove the other 3 but i think it would require tearing down the entire tank.

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