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Anyone ever cured Columnaris w/ stiff fin b4?

Mystic Fish

New Member
Ive quarantined her now for 4 days, put in Tri-Sulfa and wondered if i should also put in Myxazin. Decided yes. On 3rd day i realized i forgot to give her a salt bath. Did a 30 min salt bath with natural Himalayan salt maybe 3-4 teaspoons all up of slowly increased doses in about 12cm of water in a bucket. Cleaned the quarantine tank 60% water change. Re added Tri-sulfa and continued the Myxazin, 4th day now.
I dont think shes going to get better? :(

Edit: i also read that oxygen helps keeping columnaris alive. So i stopped it on 3rd day. On 4th day when i put mxyazin in again i decided to add the air stone in again to mix it around, instantly she didnt like it, had the shakes and did that agitated flash like fishes do with ich

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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wake Forest NC, USA
It might be some other bacterial infection than Columnaris (Flexibacter). In my experience Flexibacter usually attacks the fins first, and fin edges get cloudy and necrotic before you see symptoms on the head and body. Did the damage appear suddenly, or does it seem to be a slow-growing infection, starting with a small bump or sore?

Mystic Fish

New Member
It started with a white patch on her head behind her eye. I should of treated it then, Its a slow growing infection.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wake Forest NC, USA
Flexibacter is usually not slow; it either spreads and kills quickly, or it goes away. This is probably some other bacterial problem. Kanamycin occasionally helps, but it's a long shot, and this infection looks pretty far advanced. Keep her warm and well-fed, preferably with live foods, and away from other fish. If she's young, it may go into remission (not really "cured") and she could live for another year. Remission is less likely with Apistos more than 2 yrs old. If she stops eating for more than 3 days, I would euthanize her.

Mystic Fish

New Member
So Flexibacter is Columnaris? And you think its not that? She now has a white pointy thing poking out of her head where the white patch was/is. My last panduro had the same thing, he died to this even with the same treatments. Havnt tried Kanamycin before.

Mystic Fish

New Member
I cant seem to find what a bottle of Kanamycin looks like, not sure if they sell it here in Australia


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wake Forest NC, USA
Yes, Columnaris, Flexibacter, and Flavobacterium all refer to the same bacterial disease. Flavobacterium columnare is the currently recognized name (according to Edward Noga's Fish Diseases book) but most aquarium hobby books and articles call it by the older names Flexibacter or Columnaris. Anyway, I think your fish is suffering from something else, possibly Mycobacterium. Even if you can get some Kanamycin, recovery is not common.

So Flexibacter is Columnaris? And you think its not that? She now has a white pointy thing poking out of her head where the white patch was/is. My last panduro had the same thing, he died to this even with the same treatments. Havnt tried Kanamycin before.

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