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  1. R

    Apistogramma Macmasteri pair, no breeding behavior?

    A few weeks ago I purchased an attempted macmasteri pair (gold form) from an online site, but to my knowledge I don't think im seeing any breeding behavior? They do 'hang out' and swim around each other often, but I don't see behavior that I have seen in the past from other apistos (female...
  2. fyrefish

    How are my apistogramma panduro looking? 10 weeks from my LFS today!

    Don't mind the water quality, I took this photo just before a water change.
  3. fyrefish

    What dry food should I feed my Apistos?

    Hi, Sorry if this is the wrong place, this is my first post here. I have a pair (male and female) of apistogramma panduro and was wondering what the best type of dry food is to feed them. I know as with all fish, live or frozen food is far superior for long term fish health, but I don't...
  4. blucenere

    Buying pair Apistogramma borellii opal (red mask) in Germany-Stuttgart

    Hello, i am looking for a pair of Apistogramma borellii opal (red mask) in Germany, region Stuttgart. I would like to see a pic of the fishes or if too young, of the parents. Thank you :)
  5. Akraziatic

    A. Panduro - How to determine when to move onto a new potential pair?

    Hi All, Problem: Through what process do you determine when a pair is incompatible? Background: A few weeks ago on a shopping trip interstate where the quid pro quo was LFS's for shoe shops, I picked up a couple of A. Panduro . At one of the stores, there was a tank with only two left, and...