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Search results

  1. D

    Gephyra vs Paucisquamis female and fry

    Hi, I need some help to identify some Apistos. Situation: I had in my tank a female, acquired as Paucisquamis. She was on the tank as the single apisto for a while (together with Tetras, Corys and Discus). One day I found at my LFS 3 males: Gephyra, Paucisquamis and Elizabetae. Bought the 3 of...
  2. D

    Gold rams - pair or 2 males

    Hi, I acquired 2 gold rams a month or so ago. Expected to be a pair. However, I am now suspicious that I have 2 males. They like to stay close to each other but frequently will flare to each other and some times engage in lip locking. One of them is larger and clearly the dominant. Below some...
  3. D

    Female borelli sick

    my recent acquired borelli female looks sick. she has this white spot on the middle on one side, and on that same side sometimes I can see white spots in the tail as well. what it may be?
  4. D

    Is this Abacaxis male of female?

    Hi I have this Abacaxis, acquired as male. However, sometimes I look at its yellow look and the black fins and and I am not so sure. It's quite small, 1 inch or so.
  5. D

    Different apistos in community tank - males and females

    Good morning, I am new to apistogrammas and to aquarism in general. First acquired a small (1 inch or so), supposedly male, apisto sp abacaxis. 3 weeks later I acquired 1 pair of Borelli, quite big, and 2 small males 1 Elizabethae and 1 Cacatuoides. First the Abacaxis chased to other 2 small...