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Recent content by traco

  1. T

    When do you separate Mom & babies?

    Thank you Mike for always replying to my threads.:) Tight school means they are not all spread out over the tank? Their formation is spreading already so I should think about separating them within the next week? And then when separating, the 5 gallon or 20 gallon would be better suited?
  2. T

    When do you separate Mom & babies?

    I have an Apisto cacatuoides Mom in with her babies. Pulled Dad this time as he was eating the babies in the last 2 spawns. I have 30-40 fry and they are about a 1/4", eating bbs and growing so fast. They have been freeswimming for just over a week, week and a half. When do I separate...
  3. T

    Eggs fertile-then BBS hatching?

    Third time is the charm, I hope.:) First two spawns dad ate most of the fry. This morning I checked for eggs, found them, they are fertile. I pulled dad this time. Mom is a really good Mom. How long a incubation period before they hatch? Temp is 78. I'd say there are probably 15-20...
  4. T

    Apisto with discus or labs?

    Thank you, Griz. I kind of thought that but wanted to make sure. Plus when I want to catch him again, could you just picture having to remove all the rock in the African tank?!
  5. T

    Apisto with discus or labs?

    My female apisto cac has spawned. I want to take the male out as he is not a good dad. He was caught sneaking around, snatching the fry and eating them, little bugger! She is a really good mom so I will leave her with the fry in the 29 gallon planted tank. Can he go into my 90 gallon...
  6. T

    Apisto cacs fry ~ remove fish?

    So, here is a pic of Mom and some of the fry.
  7. T

    Apisto cacs fry ~ remove fish?

    I'm new to these type of cichlids and would appreciate some help about the fry. The tank is 29 gallons, planted, sand substrate, wood, cave. There is one male and 2 females, a couple of tiny apple snails, a tiny 2" BN pleco. One female has laid eggs and they hatched either yesterday or...
  8. T

    other fish if breeding cacs?

    I pulled the BN to be on the safe side and will probably pull the other male leaving just the one male and 2 females. One sure is a bright yellow! The females do look beautiful, not as bold as the males, but more subtle. I'm enjoying them so far.:)
  9. T

    Male apisto cac go in discus tank?

    Thanks Doug, for your reply.:) I did wonder if the discus tank might be too high in temperature. The only other option is my 33 community or leave him in with the other male and females. I do have a 20 gallon with fish QT'ing right now so that is why I asked about the discus tank and the...
  10. T

    Male apisto cac go in discus tank?

  11. T

    Male apisto cac go in discus tank?

    I've put a couple of posts here as I'm new to apistos. Quick info, I have 2 males and 2 females in a 29 gallon planted tank. Females are turning bright yellow which says spawning could happen. One male is alpha, the other one gets chased around by him. Can I put this less dominant male...
  12. T

    other fish if breeding cacs?

    I have set up a 29 gallon, live plants, sand, driftwood, clay pots for 2 males and females cacs. The females must love it in there as I noticed one definately is turning a bright yellow which signifies spawning? I also have a BN pleco in there. Is it okay or will it eat the eggs? If taken...
  13. T

    HELP ~ Fighting in my cac. tank

    He's a orange flash but I want to keep him. Glad I have another tank I can put him in. In with the angels, the temp should be lowered a bit? It is 80 right now, maybe down to 78?
  14. T

    HELP ~ Fighting in my cac. tank

    I have 2 males and 2 females. The alpha male (who as always been the alpha - I found out from the person I bought these fish from) is chasing and fighting with the other male. He also chases the females especially when food is put down. I feed at opposite ends of the tank to help everyone get...
  15. T

    My Apisto Cacs are coming Wednesday!!

    I stuck a thread over on the Apistogramma forum here wondering how my water would do for these fish. http://forum.apistogramma.com/showthread.php?t=4496 I've done a lot more reading since. So far, I am setting up a 20 gallon and having the sand and some plants. It looks like more the...