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Search results

  1. F

    competing female stole entire brood...

    Background - 6' 100g with 2 male Cac Triple Red, 4 female Cac Triple Red, and some pencils, otos, and shrimp, heavily planted, lots of caves, and well established. I had a spawn and the mother was very protective of the resultant fry. One of the other females (also a Triple Red Cac) began...
  2. F

    Is it possible to breed cacatuoides with hard water?

    I have recently moved and the water from the well is 8.0 pH and about 15 degrees KH (268 ppm). Hardness scales that I have looked at, rate that as moderately hard. I would like to breed some Cacautoides and am wondering if anyone has had success in breeding them in these conditions? Also...
  3. F

    # of Dwarf Pencils for 100g

    I'm setting up a heavily planted 6' 100g for 3 trios of Cacautoides. The only other fish in the tank will be Nannostomus Marginatus, and I'm wondering how many I should get? Their main purpose will be as a dither.
  4. F

    Stocking Species & Numbers for a 6' 100g

    I'm looking to keep some apistos, and hopefully they will breed for me as well. The main point of keeping them would be enjoyment, however, I would like to sell off any offspring. This means that there would have to be some type of market for the fish, either to enthusiasts or even as...