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Apistogramma tankmates


New Member
Hi there,
I'm new to the site and new to keeping pisto's. I'm experienced with African cichlids but wanted a smaller community tank & I just winged it so i was happy to find this forum. I want to know if I can get away with keeping a sole electric blue acara in my setup (he's already in there but I'm having doubts). In my 60 gal. I have:
6 apistogramma (4 cockatoo, 2 agazzi) @ 1.5"
2 angelfish @ 2"
3 Congo tetras @ 3"
2 electric blue rams @ 1.5"
1 Bolivian ram @ 2"
6 rainbow fish @ 2-3"
2 GBR @ 1.5"
3 rasbora @ 2"
2 panda molly @ 2"
2 sword tails @ 2.5"
1 EB Acara @ 3"

I realize the acara can get up 6" but have read they usually hover at 4-5" & that they are peaceful fish but may eat anything that fit in its mouth. He's been fine with the apisto's so far but is really going after my swordtails & I'm worried when he grows he may try to go for other fish in my tank. Does anyone have any experience with this combination? I would appreciate any advice/tips/ tricks, etc. Thanks in advance.


New Member
Thanks for the input. In our African cichlid tank we use the method of overstocking to reduce aggression and it works like a charm. I figured although dwarfs, they're still cichlids & the same technique would work with my community tank. So that's where I came up with my stock list. I have put ample caves, coconuts, & plants for hiding spots. But in our African tank, we keep it bare also to reduce aggression. Does anyone have an EB Acara in their community tank? Any problems doing so? Thanks in advance.


New Member
My Electric Blue Acaras eventually ate all of my rummy noses. I would expect your swordtails will eventually be lunch. I also believe you have a full tank. Hope you are doing lots of water changes and/or are over filtering. I have a video about the EBA's eating my tetras.


New Member
Thanks guys for the info. Fincasters, your video was very helpful & you called it. The next day i checked on my tank & one of the swordtails looked half dead & the other was cowering in a corner. I was able to save & re-home them, so i guess swordtails are a no-no. But the good news is, the rest of the fish seem to be getting along fine & happy/healthy. Absolutely, I have double filtration on my tank & I realize that frequent water changes are a must in an overstocked tank. However, I will monitor the fish as they grow & if I notice the overstocking method isn't working, I am definitely open to re-arranging the number of fish in my tank. Thanks Mike for the tip, I did read that also, so i made sure to have plenty of rock caves, plants & coconuts for my new babies. I am still on a learning curve with my community tank, & that's why i so appreciate forums like this. Cheers!

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